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Thursday, June 30

Out of place - His transition

I LOVE having hubby home, Diva loves having Hubby home... Bean dog, NOT so much.  She is back to being on the floor, not her favorite place to sleep when she is used to my big fluffy bed.  Hubby does NOT like doggies on beds so little Shih-Tzu is relegated to the floor JUST like when Hubby first moved in.  I am surprised she doesn't nip him when he comes home. 

Yesterday was Hubby's first day home all alone - he felt like a fish out of water, poor guy.  Didn't really know what to do, I mean AFTER 2 hours in the gym (yeah, that won't be an option when he goes back to work but hey... now he can do what he wants), and an 11 mile bike ride he was just in a weird place.  I can't imagine what it's like to be on call 24 hours a day, heightened security, around people all the time with SUPER structure and then go home to minimal structure and quiet... then to be all alone in our house.  I felt horrible, I did give some ideas... we need to pack the house (moving in 3 weeks), he could go through his footlockers from his deployment (home in 2006), umm or just relax?  NOPE none of those is what he meant - he says that he doesn't know his roll in all of this.  I just wanted to cry for him.  I can't imagine what the transition is like for him.

How did your service member deal with the transition?  What did you do to help?

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