Check out Wife of a Sailor's Mil Spouse Friday Fill-In #27!
Here are this week's questions...
1. What do you usually want to know about someone when meeting them for the first time?
I want to know if they are a good person, one that I could see myself friends with. This is determined without even opening their mouth. I usually watch people’s eyes and mannerisms. I don’t like shifty eyes or when someone asks me a question and then don’t have the common courtesy to look me in the eyes when I answer it.
2. Would you rather know everything about your spouse, or be regularly surprised?
It depends on what we are talking about. His love of children or ideas on marriage I wanted to know upfront BUT everything else I enjoying learning about him. If I knew it all our marriage would be BORING!
3. If you could live in one city for the rest of your life, where would you live?
Good grief I can’t even fathom that idea. I moved a lot growing up and so far a lot as an adult… I got nothing on this one. I do want a home and roots but as to where, I have no idea.
4. When you go out of town, what one material thing do you ALWAYS take?
I always have my camera… I am ADDICTED to taking pictures of EVERYTHING. BD just got me a new camera for Christmas and I LOVE taking pictures.
5. Using no more than 10 nouns, and ONLY nouns, describe yourself.
(This one is harder than it sounds!)
Beauty Queen
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I love this! I'm copying it!
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